Biology F212 - Biological molecules 2


as level Chemistry Fichas sobre Biology F212 - Biological molecules 2, creado por scarlettcain97 el 30/05/2014.
Fichas por scarlettcain97, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por scarlettcain97 hace casi 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
Enzyme-substrate complex The intermediary formed when a substrate molecule binds to an enzyme molecule
Enzyme-product complex The intermediate formed when product molecules are bound to an enzyme
Effect of enzymes on lowering activation energy Enzymes reduce the activation enthalpy so the reaction can proceed at a much lower temperature
Effects of pH on enzyme activity -Low pH=lots of H+ ions -Either extreme of H+ ion concentration can interfere with H-bonds/ionic bonds holding the tertiary structure together. -pH affects the charge of amino acids at the active site so the properties change and the substrate can't bind
Effect of temperature on enzyme activity -Increasing temperature will increase the rate of reaction to a certain point as there will be more successful collisions. -Heat also makes molecules vibrate and puts strain on the intermolecular forces, some may break. -As the heat increases more bonds break and the tertiary structure disintegrates further -This is not reversible and is known as Denaturation
Effect of enzyme concentration -As enzyme concentration increases the rate of reaction increases as there are more active sites avaliable -Eventually substrate concentration becomes the limiting factor and the rate stops increasing
Effect of substrate concentration -As the substrate concentration rises the rate of reaction rises because there are more substrate molecules to react -At higher concentrations, all of the active sites become filled so the rate of reaction remains the same
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