Threats to Earth


GCSE Science Year 10 Fichas sobre Threats to Earth, creado por annjb2898 el 30/05/2014.
Fichas por annjb2898, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por annjb2898 hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta Respuesta
What are asteroids? Asteroids are mini-planets or planetoids orbiting the Sun; they are large rocks that were left over form the formation of the Solar System.
Where do most orbit? Most orbit between Mars and Jupiter.
How were all bodies in space, including planets, formed? All bodies in space, including planets, were formed when clouds of gas and dust collapsed together due to gravitational forces of attraction.
What determines an objects gravitational force? The mass of an object determines its gravitational force.
Asteroids have relatively low masses compared to the mass of which planet? Asteroids have relatively low masses compared to the mass of Jupiter.
What does Jupiter's gravitational force do? Jupiter's gravitational force prevents asteroids from joining together to form another planet.
What do scientists believe out Moon was a result of? Scientists believe our Moon was a result of the collision between two planets in the same orbit.
What joined together to form our Moon? The iron core of the other planet melted and joined with the Earth's core, less dense rocks began to orbit an they joined together to form our Moon.
What is the scientific evidence which supports this idea? There is scientific evidence which supports this idea. - The average density of the Earth is 5500kg/m3 while the Moon is only 3300 kg/m3. - There is no iron in the Moon. - The Moon has exactly the same oxygen composition as the Earth, but rocks on Mars and meteorites from other parts of the Solar System have different oxygen compositions.
What geologists examine to support the theory that asteroids have collided with Earth? Geologists examine evidence to support the theory that asteroids have collided with Earth.
Give three examples of this evidence which has been examined. Geologists examine evidence to support the theory that asteroids have collided with Earth: - near to a crater thought to have resulted from an asteroid impact, they found quantities of the metal iridium - a metal not normally found in the Earth's crust but common in meteorites - many fossils are found below the layer of iridium, but few fossils are found above it - tsunamis have disturbed the fossil layers, carrying some fossil fragments up to 300km inland.
What type of orbit does a comet have? A comet has an elliptical orbit.
Most comets pass inside the orbit of Mercury and well beyond the orbit of Pluto. What happens as the comet passes close to the Sun? As the comet passes close to the Sun, the ices melts and solar winds blow the dust into the comet's tail which always points away from the Sun.
Scientists are constantly monitoring and plotting the paths of what? Scientists are constantly monitoring and plotting the paths of comets and other near-Earth objects NEOs.
What happens to the speed of a comet as is approaches the Sun and then gets further away? The speed of a comet increases as it approaches the Sun and decreases as it gets further away.
Why does this happen? This is because of the changing gravitational attraction.
If a NEO is on a collision course with Earth what could happen? If a NEO is on a collision course with Earth, it could be the end of life on Earth.
What would one option be to avoid this? To avoid this, one option would be to explode a rocket near to the NEO which could alter its course enough to miss Earth.
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