Computer Science


My computer science presentation
Joaquin Morales Castro
Mapa Mental por Joaquin Morales Castro, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Joaquin Morales Castro
Creado por Joaquin Morales Castro hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Computer Science
  1. Definition
    1. the computer science definition is a method of using computers to do science in a network from a computer.
      1. Advantages
        1. The computer science can help processes the formulas that scientists need to do all the experiments easier and faster
          1. disadvantages
            1. some disadvantages of computer science can be the way that the formulas can get errors in the formulas and that they need to make everithing out side the water
              1. Branches of computer science
                1. Some branches of computer science are like robotics operating system computer architecture information security
                  1. Examples
                    1. Practical, Data structures, applied, technical, data bases, www
                    2. Robotics
                      1. operating system
                        1. computer architecture
                          1. information security
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