Language change theories


Mapa Mental sobre Language change theories, creado por iwillmason el 21/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por iwillmason, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por iwillmason hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Language change theories
  1. Language decay
    1. Jean Aitchison
      1. Damp-spoon syndrome
        1. Laziness
          1. Language sloppier now
            1. similar to leaving damp spoon in sugar
            2. Crumbling castle
              1. Glottal stop
                1. Silent letters
                  1. "Knight"
                    1. "Government"
                      1. "Receipt"
                  2. Lynne Truss
                    1. Eats, shoots, and leaves
                      1. Hypercorrect punctuation
                        1. Prescriptivist
                      2. Social bonding theory
                        1. William Labov (USA)
                          1. Social groups change words to create dialect
                            1. "Youth" --> "Yoth"
                        2. Global English
                          1. David Crystal
                            1. Polydialectalism
                              1. Bi-dialectalism
                                1. Speaking a local language and national
                                2. Tri-dialectalism
                            2. Norman Fairclough
                              1. Conversationalism
                                1. Modern English more 'chatty'
                                  1. Use of 'you'
                                    1. More relevant with TV/internet
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