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Situation at the End of WWII
A-Levels India History Mapa Mental sobre Situation at the End of WWII, creado por jacksearle el 21/05/2013.
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india history
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, actualizado hace más de 1 año
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Resumen del Recurso
Situation at the End of WWII
INA Soldiers
INA Soldiers imprisoned after helping out Japanese attempt to invade in 1944
Congress called for their release
Saying it would be a tragedy to punish people who fought for freedom
No matter how mistakenly
British wanted to make point that INA were traitors
Brits court marital a sample of 3 officers - 1 Hindu, 1 Sikh, 1 Muslim
Bad move by Brits - this just united religious opposition against them
INA officers charged with waging war against crown
Sentenced to deportation for life
However they were forced to drop sentence amongst fears that Indian army could turn on Brits
Feb 1946
total 20000 men from Royal Indian Navy
In Bombay, Calcutta and Karachi
Took over approx 80 ships and general strike was called by Bombay Communist Party
Congress persuade mutineers to surrender
Angered many Indians
However Congress + ML thought that at this point it was better to work with British then against
Congress Solved problem - shows shift in power
British never trust army to sort out problems again after this
1945 May Elections
Attlee new PM under Labour govt
Has close ties with Congress
determined to give political reform to India
Wants to form a group to discuss a new constitution for India
In British admin in India
There is a fear that new govt does not appreciate the strength of support for Pakistan
Fear of Unrest
Wavell worried that Labour was too keen to hand power to Congress
Food +Coal shortages - unrest building
Created fears that Congress will launch another Civil Disob
Only 50000 soldier in British Indian Army
1 soldier to 8000 people
Army is demoralised, eager to get home
Large number of soldiers don't return weapons
Preparation for Partition
British privately accept that they will leave India in Jan 1946
There is fear from both Hindus and Muslims who lived in areas that could be the 'wrong' side of the border
Britain believes Pakistan must be granted to avoid Muslim uprising
Amritsar is a problem
Holy city for sikhs
Logically should be in Pakistan, but Sikhs want it in India
Elections of 1946 would be key in deciding how to move forward
1946 Indian Elections
Polarisation of Support
Congress win 90% of seats
Muslim league get 75% of Muslim Vote
Also win 90% of Muslim reserved seats
Compared with poor performance in 1937 elections - shows popularity of Pakistan demand
war debts estimated at 2.7 billion by end of war
In Britain - began reconstruction programme - rebuild bomb damaged buildings
Costs a lot of money
New Labour govt wanted to introduce Social Reform
NHS - Education etc - all cost money
Saw this as a priority over empire
Britain's investment in India fell in 1930's
Indian imports fell dramatically
Japanese goods cheaper
Owed Indian soldier 1.3 billion in wages
Keynes estimated empire costing 1 billion per year
Britain are bankrupt
Roosevelt died - New president - less financial backing for Uk
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Más información
Government of India Act 1935
1930-1934 Timeline
The Neil Cripps Mission 1942
Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919
1st Non-Cooperation Movement 1919/Khilafat
1937 Elections/Lahore Resolution 1940
2nd Non-Cooperation Movement
Impact of Churchill
Outbreak of WWII
Simla Conference 1946/May Statement
Quit India Movement 1942
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