
10th grade European History Mapa Mental sobre UNIT 4 WORLD CIV, creado por Libby Hizar el 25/10/2017.
Libby Hizar
Mapa Mental por Libby Hizar, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Libby Hizar
Creado por Libby Hizar hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

  1. Aztecs/Mexica
    1. Aztec invaders
      1. "God, Glory, and Gold"
        1. conquistadors took Moctezuma hostage and destroyed shrines, the Spanish got kicked out but got back in the city
        2. Hernán Cortés
          1. mistaken as Quetzalcoatl by Moctezuma
            1. was it really that peaceful?
              1. raised tribute and wasn't good to them
          2. disease!!!
            1. brought by the invaders and severely weakened and killed masses
          3. society
            1. encomienda: natives could be forced to work on lands
              1. Bartolomé de las Casas had it abolished
              2. peninsulares
                1. mestizos
                  1. creoles
                    1. mulattoes
                      1. la indígena/la negra
                2. spoke Nahuatl
                  1. small ruling elite claim they are divinely chosen
                    1. expansionist!!
                    2. gods & religion
                      1. relied on legends
                        1. based a lot off astrology
                          1. Polytheistic
                            1. sacrificed humans to these gods
                              1. Violence was sacred!!
                          2. Tenochtitlán
                          3. Incas
                            1. Inca invaders
                              1. Francisco Pizarro from Spain
                              2. gods & religion
                                1. Machu Picchu was sacred mountaintop
                                  1. Cult of Royal Mummies
                                    1. Split inheritance: kings that die still possess the land they gained forever, but his court collects taxes to maintain his mummy and lands
                                    2. religious ideology pressured expansion
                                    3. Atauhualpa and Huascar
                                      1. both sons of Huayna Capac, one would inherit the empire. It had to be the child the king had with his full sister, which was Huascar. He was good until he said that the royal mummies shouldn't have so much land, and the high nobles didn't like that so he got the boot and Atauhualpa was crowned
                                      2. society
                                        1. spoke Quechua
                                          1. mitima: strategic relocation of newly conquered peoples closer to the central gov.
                                            1. allyu: specific groups that own lands
                                              1. mita: rotating system of assigning labors to members
                                              2. Cuzco
                                                1. geography
                                                  1. valleys, mountains, very little arable land, cold
                                              3. African coast
                                                1. wealthy trading colonies, long time international trade marketers
                                                  1. hierarchical and decentralized
                                                  2. Muslim, Arabic or KiSwahili speaking
                                                    1. Kingdom of Kongo
                                                      1. lush, fertile, coastal land
                                                        1. king and a strong noble class
                                                          1. King Joao and Alfonso
                                                            1. Alfonso is 1st Portuguese-African king
                                                              1. baptized into Christian and Portuguese life and still keeps strong ties
                                                                1. spoke out to portuguese king about how slavery was damaging his countries more than it was making profit
                                                        2. slave trade
                                                          1. Middle Passage: awful 1-3 month journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas in which many were killed
                                                            1. Olaudah Equiano
                                                              1. most slave traders were native africans selling off their own people
                                                                1. beneficial for them because they traded in exchange for foreign goods like firearms
                                                                  1. bad for Africa because so many areas then became depopulated
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