Geography: Disadvantages of Energy Sources


GCSE Geography Mapa Mental sobre Geography: Disadvantages of Energy Sources, creado por Beth Smith el 11/11/2017.
Beth Smith
Mapa Mental por Beth Smith, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Beth Smith
Creado por Beth Smith hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Geography: Disadvantages of Energy Sources
  1. Solar Energy
    1. Created by turning natural energy from the sun into electricity
      1. Can't be used at night and is difficult to use in cold climates. It is very expensive however the cost is decreasing as technology improves.
      2. Coal Energy
        1. Coal is burnt to create energy
          1. It emits gases for example Nitrogen Oxides and Carbon Dioxide. Grass and trees have to be cut to make room for it. Coal is expensive to buy but cheap to maintain. Coal is NON-RENEWABLE.
          2. Nuclear Energy
            1. A dangerous radioactive material is used to make Nuclear Energy
              1. Large volumes of water are used. Nuclear Power is very expensive, however a lot of energy can be created from a small amount of fuel.
              2. Wind Energy
                1. Created by Turbines turned by wind
                  1. People don't like the sight or noise created by the turbines. They are also expensive to make and can't be used when it is calm.
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