Food Groups


GCSE Food Gruops Mapa Mental sobre Food Groups, creado por muscatbuggy8 el 31/05/2013.
Mapa Mental por muscatbuggy8, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por muscatbuggy8 hace casi 12 años

Resumen del Recurso

Food Groups
  1. Carbohydrates (starch
    1. Bread, potatoes, cereals, pasta
      1. Energy, Weak, no energy
      2. Proteins
        1. Fish, Meat, Eggs
          1. Building cells
            1. (vital for growth and repair) takes longer for cuts to heal.
          2. Fats
            1. Bread, Cream, Oil, Sugar
              1. Energy, Insulation
                1. Fats for store of energy which are used when body runs out of carbohydrates.
              2. Vitamins
                1. A, B1, B2, C, D, E
                  1. Fruit, Vegetables, Cereal
                    1. Need only small amounts and keep vital processes occuring.
                      1. Keeps gums and skin healthy
                        1. Scurvy
                    2. Minerals
                      1. Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Iodine
                        1. Meat, Milk/Dairy, salt, sea food
                          1. Get rickets
                            1. Help the blood, teeth, bones, nerves, thyroid in the neck.
                          2. Roughage / Fibre
                            1. Vegetable, fruit, cereal
                              1. Roughage keeps the digestive system working properly.
                                1. If you don't have enough, you develop constipation
                              2. Water
                                1. Water, soup, Drinks
                                  1. 75% of one's body is made out of water and all chemical reactions take place in water, example, digestion.
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