Large Star Life Cycle


Mapa Mental sobre Large Star Life Cycle, creado por Delaney Norris el 30/12/2017.
Delaney Norris
Mapa Mental por Delaney Norris, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Delaney Norris
Creado por Delaney Norris hace casi 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Large Star Life Cycle
  1. NEBULA - cloud of dust and gas (H) pulled together by gravity
    1. PROSTAR - Energy pushing out and gravity pushing in. Nuclear fusion starts (H --> He)
      1. MAIN SEQUENCE - most of its life, H -- He (nuclear fusion). Equilibrium (balance)- The amount of gravity pushing in is equal to the amount of energy pushing out
        1. H --> He, He --> C, Fe
          1. SUPER GIANT
            1. SUPER NOVA (big explosion)
              1. NEUTRON STAR - Core of dead star (Fe)
                1. BLACK HOLE - Gravity intense, only happens to the very large start (Fe)
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