Gender equality_template


Make History HER Story
Cecile BARON
Mapa Mental por Cecile BARON, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cecile BARON
Creado por Cecile BARON hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Gender equality_template
  1. A demonstration
    1. SYN.
      1. a march
        1. a rally
          1. a protest against sthg
            1. VIOLENT
              1. a riot
            2. VERBS
              1. protest against sthg
                1. march
                  1. demonstrate
                  2. PEOPLE
                    1. an activist
                      1. a protester
                      2. (Vb) hold
                        1. a protest sign
                          1. SYN.
                            1. a banner
                              1. a placard
                        2. POSITIVE
                          1. equal
                            1. fair
                            2. NEGATIVE
                              1. discrimination
                                1. sexism


                                  • 1: prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially : discrimination against women: behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex — sexist play \ˈsek-sist\ adjective or noun First Known Use: 1963
                                  1. unequal
                                    1. unfair
                                    2. WOMEN'S RIGHTS
                                      1. the right to vote
                                        1. a suffragette


                                          • a woman who advocates suffrage for women First Known Use: 1902
                                        2. equal opportunities
                                          1. equal pay
                                            1. birth control
                                              1. have an abortion
                                                1. contraception
                                                  1. to be on the pill
                                                  2. choose to have a baby
                                                  3. the right to education
                                                    1. to have equal rights
                                                    2. THE FIGHT FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS
                                                      1. fight for / against sthg (Vb / N)
                                                      2. FEMINISM


                                                        • 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests— feminist play \ˈfe-mə-nist\ noun or adjective— feministic play \ˌfe-mə-ˈni-stik\ adjective First Known Use: 1895
                                                        1. a feminist
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