Human circulatory system


Unit 3r ESO Biology CLIL
Anna AP
Mapa Mental por Anna AP, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Anna AP
Creado por Anna AP hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Human circulatory system
  1. Comunication
    1. Language of learning
      1. Key words: heart, blood, ventricle, capillary, artery... Key phrases needed: how many beats did you count ...?
      2. Language for learning
        1. Ask and answer: Why...? What...? Comparatives and superlatives. Expres opinions: In my opinion... Made predictions: I think that...
        2. Language through learning
          1. Apply the answers from the pupils to improve their level of knowledge. Expand their vocabulary using the dictionary
        3. Content
          1. Arteries, capillaries and veins
            1. Blood: components
              1. Heart: structure and function
                1. Circulatory circuits of bloods
                2. Culture
                  1. Evaluate the proper functioring of the circulatory syestem
                    1. Show awareness of the importance of giving blood
                    2. Cognition
                      1. Remembering
                        1. Match photos with the words of the topic
                        2. Understanding
                          1. Watch a video and answer questions
                          2. Applying
                            1. Label the parts on an ilustrated heart
                            2. Analyzing
                              1. Measure their heart rate in different situations and compare the resoults
                              2. Evaluating
                                1. Observe of students discussion about the importance of giving blood
                                2. Creating
                                  1. Made a poster with a slogan
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