Benign prostatic hyperplasia


Mapa Mental sobre Benign prostatic hyperplasia, creado por fatima alkhateeb el 15/04/2018.
fatima alkhateeb
Mapa Mental por fatima alkhateeb, actualizado hace más de 1 año
fatima alkhateeb
Creado por fatima alkhateeb hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Benign prostatic hyperplasia
  1. It affects the prostate
    1. Anatomy of the prostate
      1. Blood supply
        1. Arterial
          1. Inferior vesical
            1. Middle rectal
              1. Internal pudendal
              2. Venous
                1. Prostatic plexus
                  1. Vesical plexus
                    1. Internal iliac
                  2. Lobes
                    1. Anatomical
                      1. Median
                        1. 2 Lateral
                        2. Surgical
                          1. Anterior
                            1. Posterior
                              1. Median Lobe
                                1. 2 lateral
                              2. Zones
                                1. Central zone
                                  1. Peripheral zone
                                    1. Anterior lobe is fibromuscular
                                      1. Transition zone
                                  2. Physiology of micturition
                                    1. Increased number of cells of the prostate, to be specific, the transitional zone (median lobe) of the prostate.
                                      1. Causes
                                        1. Aging process (Androgen receptors)
                                          1. Increased DHT
                                            1. Changes in cell growth factors
                                            2. Signs and symptoms
                                              1. Intermittency
                                                1. Urgency
                                                  1. Nictoria
                                                    1. Emptying incomplete
                                                      1. Urethral obstruction
                                                        1. Mechanical: BPH and urethral stricture
                                                          1. Functional: Shy bladder syndrome (Paruresis)
                                                          2. Bladder: detrusor muscle areflexia or impaired centricity
                                                            1. Neurological disease damaging the detrusor muscle.
                                                              1. Sensory: Diabetic neuropathy
                                                            2. Weak stream
                                                            3. Straining
                                                            4. Frequency
                                                              1. UTI
                                                                1. Diabetes
                                                                  1. Pregnancy
                                                                    1. Enlarged prostate
                                                                      1. Diuretic usa
                                                          3. Risk factors
                                                            1. Age
                                                              1. Family history
                                                                1. Lifestyle
                                                            2. Staging
                                                              1. Ti
                                                                1. T2
                                                                  1. T3
                                                                    1. T4
                                                                      1. Invading other organs
                                                                      2. Local extraprostatic extension
                                                                      3. Palpable or visible cancer
                                                                      4. Clinically inapparent lesion (Impalpable and not by emaging)
                                                                    2. Complications
                                                                      1. UTI
                                                                        1. Stones
                                                                          1. Kidney damage
                                                                            1. urinary retention
                                                                              1. Obstructive
                                                                                1. BPH
                                                                                  1. Tumors and cancers
                                                                                    1. Urethral stricture
                                                                                2. Non-obstructive
                                                                                  1. Stroke
                                                                                    1. Vaginal childbirth
                                                                                      1. Nerve diseases
                                                                              2. Investigations
                                                                                1. Urodynamic tests
                                                                                  1. Filling Cystometry
                                                                                    1. Electromyography
                                                                                    2. Uroflowmetry
                                                                                      1. Pressure-flow urodynamic studies
                                                                                  2. Management
                                                                                    1. Alpha blockers
                                                                                      1. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors
                                                                                        1. Combination drug therapy.
                                                                                          1. Tadalafil (Cialis)
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