
Basead on the book Triple Your Reading Memory and Concentration in 30 minutes
Fabio Fernandes
Mapa Mental por Fabio Fernandes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Fabio Fernandes
Creado por Fabio Fernandes hace casi 7 años
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resumen del Recurso

  1. 1 - PREVIEW
    1. Take a glace over the material
      1. Pay attention to title, chapter summary, the main and section headings
        1. Pay attention to items in bold, underline, or italics
          1. Pay attention to pictures, graphs and tables
          2. 2 - READ or LISTEN or WATCH
            1. 3 - GO BACK AND TAKE NOTES
              1. Use a pencil and paper, not use computer!
                1. It actives your attention
                  1. It enhace your level of comprehension
                    1. It actives kinesthetic process in your brain
                      1. Make some questions
                      2. 4 - TAKE A BREAK
                        1. Usually 10 minutes for 1 hours of study
                          1. Preferibly doing some excercise
                          2. 5 - REVIEW YOUR NOTES
                            1. In out loud to active aural part of brain
                              1. Preferably within an hour after you have learned
                                1. Before sleep
                                2. 6 - RETRIEVAL
                                  1. Take the material away from you
                                    1. Try to remember everything you can
                                    2. 7 - VISUAL MEMORIZATION
                                      1. Try to visualize in your memory the kewords, the main topics, pictures etc.
                                      2. 8 - ASSOCIATION
                                        1. Make association to something you already know
                                        2. 9 - TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE
                                          1. Answer questions that you have made
                                            1. Answer question from the material
                                            2. 10 - TEACH SOMEONE
                                              1. It is the best way of consolidation
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