learning methods


expand the topic on leaarning metods
santiago  velasquez
Mapa Mental por santiago velasquez , actualizado hace más de 1 año
santiago  velasquez
Creado por santiago velasquez hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

learning methods
  1. Psychology and learning
    1. learning refers to the acquisition , skills , values and attitudes , and human beigens cold not changes if t were not for this process.
    2. combination
      1. your learning styles is a combination of two or more of these styles
      2. visual
        1. cooperative learning
          1. the objetves of this methodology is for each member of an established group to success fully carry out their task based on the work of others
          2. gamification
            1. it is about the intrgration of game mechanics and dynamics and videogames in non-ludic enviroments , in order to enhance motivation,concentration,effort,loyalty and positives values common to all games
            2. desing thinking
              1. this model allows indentfying wth greater accuracy the indvidual problems of each students , generating ideas , solving solving problems creatively
              2. thiking based learning
                1. teach them to contextualize , analyze, relate , argue , convert information nto knowledge and develop thiking skills beyond memorization
                2. the methodology of learning is based on learning ias construction of knowlwdge through the resolution of the typical realty of the problems of professional tranng . the result obtained in the theoretical and prctcal courses have been optimized since the instructor with the help of didactic material presents concepts , processes information and guides the student in the execution of contextualized activites n n everyday situacions
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