MCI - within person variables


undergraduate Psychology of Ageing and Dementia Mapa Mental sobre MCI - within person variables, creado por Olivia Dohren el 21/10/2014.
Olivia Dohren
Mapa Mental por Olivia Dohren, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Olivia Dohren
Creado por Olivia Dohren hace alrededor de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

MCI - within person variables


  • Bunce et al (2008)
  1. intraindividual variability
    1. variability within the individuals cognitive performance
      1. moment to moment variation
        1. operationalised by individual's standard deviation
          1. predicts neurobiological disorders
            1. contributing factors to real world behaviours - driving, falls etc
            2. interpretations
              1. random error - lack of evidence supporting this
                1. attentional blocks
                  1. attentional shifts to irrelevant sources
                    1. attentional lapses or fluctuations in executive control
                    2. age related neuropathology
                      1. CNS integrity and neurobiological disturbance
                        1. normal age related decline
                          1. lifestyle +/or genetics
                            1. what causes people to age differently/ more successfully?
                              1. health interventions
                            2. mild dementia study


                              • Hultsch et al (2000)
                              1. healthy adults vs arthritis vs mild dementia
                                1. variability was greater for those diagnosed with dementia, regardless if health status
                                  1. individual diffs stable over time and across cognitive domains
                                    1. IIV was predictive of neurological status
                                      1. 'Results suggest that intraindividual variability may be a behavioral indicator of compromised neurological mechanisms'?
                                      2. Predicting Impending Death


                                        • MacDonald et al (2008)
                                        1. stress as a moderatiing/mediating? factor of age and cognition


                                          • Bunce et al (2008)
                                          1. White Matter Hyperintensity and cognitive decline


                                            • Bunce et al (2013) Bunce et al (2010)
                                            1. use of MRI found increase level of WMH = increase IIV
                                              1. implications for identifying MCI etc
                                              2. driving performance
                                                1. falls in elderly people
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