Humanism in England


(From my studying) MA Studies Mapa Mental sobre Humanism in England, creado por mohammadreza saberi el 11/09/2018.
mohammadreza saberi
Mapa Mental por mohammadreza saberi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
mohammadreza saberi
Creado por mohammadreza saberi hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Humanism in England
  1. Humanism was the Integral part of English Renaissance
    1. English humanists ; the leading figures in reviving the classical learning
      1. in their perspective, the only way of realizing the human capacities is to turn to the ancient classics
        1. in English Humanists' perspective, it is possible to fuse classical culture with Christianity
          1. This view is responsible for the blend of Christianity and Paganism in Renaissance
            1. Esp. in the works of Spenser and Milton
        2. Humanism Designates the revival of Classical culture that accompanied the Renaissance
          1. Humanism encourages devotion to the studies dealing with life, thought,language,literature of the ancients
            1. It began by studying of Greek at Oxford
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