Nutrition in Elderly


Study notes for Study Unit 9: Nutrition in Elderly
Lesego Mabe
Mapa Mental por Lesego Mabe, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lesego Mabe
Creado por Lesego Mabe hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Nutrition in Elderly
  1. Important nutritional requirements
    1. For bone health
      1. Calcium
        1. Vitamin D
        2. Vitamin C
          1. Immunity & absorption
          2. Recommend foods that are wasier to eat
            1. Physcial changes that make it difficult to each requirements
              1. dental decay - no tough foods
                1. become forgetful
                  1. cannot move and buy grocery
                    1. lost ability to see/hear
                2. Spectrum of aging (NB)
                  1. Gerontology
                    1. Study of normal aging
                      1. Derived from science
                        1. Biology
                          1. Physiology
                            1. Sociology
                            2. Focus on
                              1. Health promotion
                                1. Disease prevention
                                  1. Risk reduction
                                2. Geriatrics
                                  1. Study of (chronic) diseases frequently associated with aging
                                    1. Geriatric nutrition (MNT)
                                      1. Hospitals, homes, communities
                                    2. Theories of aging
                                      1. no single theorie explains
                                        1. 1% Rule (NB)
                                          1. 1% organ function lost every year of 30
                                          2. Categories
                                            1. Predetermination
                                              1. Built-in mechanisms that determine again + death
                                              2. Accumulated damage
                                                1. Systemic damage
                                                  1. over time
                                            2. Nutrition & Longevity
                                              1. Improve quality of life
                                                1. Prevent/manage NCDs
                                                  1. Improve everyday wellbeing
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