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Corporate Taxation
mindmap for corparate taxation
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corporate taxation
Mapa Mental por
suhada zahari
, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por
suhada zahari
hace más de 6 años
Resumen del Recurso
Corporate Taxation
Compensation For Breach or Cancellation of Contract
COMPENSATION PAID in respect of supply contract to be capital receipt
Revenue Receipt
Capital Receipt
compensation for Damages
1) Compensation for loss of Income is the amount of damages that replace the loss of trading profit or to fill a hole of the trading profit.
2) Compensation for Loss of Asset consist of three element which is temporary loss, permanent loss and regular permanent loss
3) Personal Damages is personal injury due to negligence
Sales of 'KNOW-HOW'
Secret processes, design standards, drawing or pattern
Capital Receipt
Revenue Receipt
Subsidy or Grant
Trading Receipt is Grant is to cover revenue expenditure or substitute loss of profit
Capital Receipt is grant not to substitute revenue loss for capital project
Case : Dewan Perniagaan Bumiputera Sabah v Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri
Case : Ostime v Pontypridd
Foreign Exchange Transaction
Trading Receipt if referable to the circulating capital arised in the ordinary course
Case : Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd v Ltd
Capital receipt is acquisition or disposal of capital asset
Case : Davies v Shell Co of China Ltd
Unclaimed Deposit or Balances
Capital Receipt is paid deposits when ordering gorments and unclaimed deposit are taxable
Capotal Receipt : Morley vTottersall
Insurance Receipt (the legal Principle
Capital Receipt is a permanent destruction of capital asset for example loss of lorry
Income Receipt is to fill a hole of the profit such as loss of service of employee and delay n repair an asset
Release of Debt
It is also known as forgiving or waive of debts
It is refer to the Section 30(4)
Compensation for withdrawal of partnership
It is consider as capital receipt because it is related to :
A disposal of a sources of income
Surrendering af all rights for a consideration
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