Coastal Erosion


Coastal erosion
Una McNulty
Mapa Mental por Una McNulty, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Una McNulty
Creado por Una McNulty hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Coastal Erosion
  1. The return movement of water down the shore
    1. The rush of water up the shore following the breaking of waves
      1. Waces that deposit more than they erode
        1. Wave changes direction when reaching shallow water
          1. Type of Waves breaking 10-15 times a minute
            1. Processes
              1. Direct force of the waves on the coast
                1. Rock Debris thrown on coastline
                  1. Stones hitting off each other
                    1. Air trapped, compressed by waves and exploding
                      1. Zig zag path of swash and backwash
                        1. Rocks eroding at different speeds
                        2. Features
                          1. Forms between HW mark and LW mark due to destructive waves
                            1. Vertical slope on a coastline
                                1. Backwards movement of this feature is called
                                2. Rock above notch
                                3. 2 caves meeting back to back form this feature
                                  1. name examples of features
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