Geography: Changing Economic World


GCSE Geography Mapa Mental sobre Geography: Changing Economic World, creado por Blerta Morina el 05/03/2019.
Blerta Morina
Mapa Mental por Blerta Morina, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Blerta Morina
Creado por Blerta Morina hace alrededor de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Geography: Changing Economic World
  1. Causes of Uneven Development
    1. Poor Climate
      1. No crops will grow to eat or sell which could lead to malnutrition and less money to spend on services
      2. Poor Farming Land
        1. If the land is steep or has poor soil then not a lot of food will be produced.
        2. Very few raw Materials
          1. Tend to make less money because they've got fewer products to sell
          2. Lots of Natural Hazards
            1. Countries that have a lot of natural hazards have to spend a lot of money rebuilding
          3. Economic Development
            1. NEE: Nigeria
              1. Effects of economic development
                1. Life expectancy - from 46 to 53 years
                  1. 64% have access to safe water
                    1. Schooling years - from 7 to 9 years
                    2. Aid and Debt Relief
                      1. Receives $5billion per year in aid
                        1. Aid groups have improved health centres
                        2. TNCs
                          1. Advantages
                            1. Investment has created employment opportunities
                              1. Has been the main source of investments in oil and gas
                              2. Disadvantages
                                1. Oil fares and toxic fumes have increased air pollution
                                  1. Social unrest in area lead to theft, sabotage and violent crimes
                            2. Economic development in the UK (HIC)
                              1. Changes in the economy
                                1. Primary and secondary industries have declined
                                  1. Tertiary and quartenary industries have grown due to deindustrialisation
                                  2. Social & Economic impacts of population decline
                                    1. School closures and younger generation moving away
                                      1. Farming industry only available for 2 days a week because the tourism industry has increased
                                      2. North-South Divide
                                        1. Reducing it:
                                          1. Transport improvements
                                            1. Enterprise zones
                                            2. Evidence:
                                              1. Employment rates are higher in the north
                                                1. House prices and GCSE grades are lower in the north
                                            3. Increasing Development - Tourism & TNCs
                                              1. Growth of Tourism: Jamaica
                                                1. Negatives
                                                  1. Many people still live in poor quality housing
                                                    1. Infrastructure improvements are focused on tourist resorts/sites
                                                    2. Positives
                                                      1. Jobs from tourism have meant more money being spent
                                                        1. New sewage plants have reduced pollution
                                                      2. Advantages
                                                        1. Create jobs
                                                          1. Employees in poorer countries get a more reliable income
                                                            1. New technology are brought
                                                            2. Disadvantages
                                                              1. May be paid lower wage
                                                                1. Have to work long hours and in poor conditions
                                                                  1. Jobs created in LICs aren't secure
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