Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)


Mapa mental del lenguage comunicativo
Cristian Steven Bocanegra
Mapa Mental por Cristian Steven Bocanegra, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Cristian Steven Bocanegra
Creado por Cristian Steven Bocanegra hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
  1. CLT emphasizes interaction and problem solving as means and the ultimate goal of learning English, or any other language. As such, tends to emphasize activities such as role play, work in couples and group work.
    1. Perspectives
      1. Linguistics
        1. Grammatical Competence
          1. Sociolinguistic Competence
            1. Discourse Competence
              1. Strategic Competence
              2. Pedagogy
                1. Creation of an atmosphere
                  1. The teacher is facilitator
                    1. Use of concepts
                      1. Use of strategies
                      2. Sociology
                        1. Sociocultural use of language
                          1. Interactional function
                            1. Personal function
                              1. Interpersonal relationship
                                1. Cooperativism rather than individualism
                                2. Psychology
                                  1. Behaviorism
                                    1. Cognitivism
                                      1. Constructivism
                                        1. Functionalism
                                      2. Objectives
                                        1. Use Language as:
                                          1. means of communication
                                            1. object of learning
                                              1. means of expressing values
                                              2. Focus on communication rather than structure
                                                1. Language learning within the school curriculum
                                                  1. Language learning within the school curriculum
                                                    1. Collaboration
                                                    2. The Role of Instructional Materials
                                                      1. Visual cues
                                                        1. Taped cues
                                                          1. Pictures (Flash cards)
                                                            1. Wh- questions (Why, What, When, Where, Who)
                                                              1. Role Plays
                                                                1. Simulations
                                                                  1. Games
                                                                  Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


                                                                  Teorema de Pitágoras
                                                                  Historia Argentina
                                                                  Nicolas Ñancucheo
                                                                  Nancy Guzman
                                                                  Criterios generales de evaluación de la Selectividad: Comentarios de Texto
                                                                  maya velasquez
                                                                  La Guerra Civil Española
                                                                  maya velasquez
                                                                  NUMEROS RACIONALES - FRACCIONES
                                                                  Jose Daniel Pauc
                                                                  Mi Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE)
                                                                  Martín López Barrientos
                                                                  3. La independencia de la América Hispana (1808-1826)
                                                                  OBLIGACIÓN DE DETENER
                                                                  Como realizar un resumen y la importancia de estrategias de comprension lectora en este proceso
                                                                  Lizbeth Dayann CAMINO MARTINEZ