
pedagogía de género, segunda lengua, habilidades de escritura, aprendizaje móvil.
Dago Néstor  Ropain Martínez
Mapa Mental por Dago Néstor Ropain Martínez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Dago Néstor  Ropain Martínez
Creado por Dago Néstor Ropain Martínez hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso



  1. Mobile learning


    • The gradual inclusion of new information and communication technologies in educational contexts has not been a new or unique element. Hanson-Smith (2000) states that the discussion about the use of technology (the use of cassettes, tape recorders, etc.) in the classrooms had already begun in the 1960s; At that time, technology was mentioned as an instrument to facilitate the teaching of the second language.
    1. Within this approach, mobile learning refers to the acquisition of knowledge through mobile devices. This means that learning takes place anywhere and at any time.
      1. Apparently, its implementation does not serve as a new way of learning languages, but as a complement of specific learning activities in the educational context.
        1. The content used in mobile learning must be short and light so that they can receive comments and periodic reviews due to the implicit mobility.
          1. The functional-systemic approach.
            1. Functional systemic linguistics conceives language as a resource to construct, elaborate and explain the meanings immersed in the social and cultural context.
              1. Its main objective is to know how language works in particular environments and cultural backgrounds that allow understanding what happens in the context.
              2. Its main objective is to know how language works in particular environments and cultural backgrounds that allow understanding what happens in the context.
                1. A genre of text is determined by the culture in which the text is used.
                  1. Pedagogical approach to gender (GPA).
                    1. The ancient pedagogies to approach the study of this capacity emphasized in the form of the text.
                      1. In addition, the teacher's role was to present students with model texts to adapt them simply. At the same time, students were not taught the common linguistic characteristics of a specific genre, which allows them to predict their context.
                        1. Several scholars in the context of functional systemic linguistics initially developed this approach in Australia.
                      2. En el enfoque de género. 26/5000 In the gender approach.
                        1. Language is a dynamic and open system where genres are used as a starting point for modeling, constructing and understanding language.
                          1. For many language teachers, this pedagogical approach has been favorable because it offers valuable resources to help all types of students produce efficient texts.
                            1. METHOD.
                              1. The advantages of a case study make it a conventional tool for use in quantitative and qualitative research, as they offer deeper and richer information.
                            2. Microblogging.


                              • With these processes, Stephens and Ballast recognized the need for a framework for writing that suits the needs of today's multitasking students. The internal writing serves as a starting point to write down the ideas.
                              1. For this study, participants were expected to write a paragraph instead of a full essay response. Therefore, the term microblog is appropriate for this study.
                                1. Blogs are longer and more narrative in nature and are published for all to read. Unless the user changes the settings of these digital notifications, users can be continually aware of the information that is distributed to the community.
                                  1. Microblogs serve as a tool to increase the incorporation of digital literacies into the learning environment.


                                    • Mills and Chandra conducted a study that incorporated the microblogging into the content of the course. The subjects of the study consisted of university-age students who were assigned open writing tasks of microblogging in Edmodo. The researchers found positive results when incorporating Edmodo for microblogging.
                                    • The students continually reflected on the responses in the content by reading the responses of their classmates.
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