Chapter 3: Reasons for coming to SG before WWII


University History and Culture Mapa Mental sobre Chapter 3: Reasons for coming to SG before WWII, creado por Charmaine Chan el 29/03/2019.
Charmaine Chan
Mapa Mental por Charmaine Chan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Charmaine Chan
Creado por Charmaine Chan hace casi 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Chapter 3: Reasons for coming to SG before WWII
  1. Who were the people who came to SG?


    • Contributed to the diversity of the society.
    1. Europeans
      1. Include British colonisers
      2. Chinese
        1. Mostly from Southern provinces
        2. Indians
          1. Mostly Tamils, Punjabis, Sikhs and Gujeratis
          2. Arabs
            1. Mostly from Hadhramaut
            2. Malays
              1. Javanese
                1. Bugis
                  1. Baweanese
                2. Push factors


                  • Factors that repel people away from their current circumstance / country of residence
                  1. Poverty and Starvation
                    1. Natural Disasters
                      1. E.g. India - Droughts and later famine
                        1. 4 occurrences of severe famines within one century
                      2. Overpopulation
                        1. E.g. Java - overpopulation led to harsh farming
                          1. E.g. China - lack of farmland to sustain
                      3. Unrest and Instability
                        1. War, Rebellions, Civil Strife
                          1. E.g. Java War 1825 - 1830
                            1. E.g. China Taiping Rebellion 1850 - 1864
                              1. E.g. China Boxer Rebellion 1898 - 1901
                                1. E.g. China Civil War 1930s
                              2. E.g. Indian Rebellion 1857
                          2. Pull Factors


                            • Factors that attracted people to come to Singapore
                            1. Economic gains
                              1. Trade and business investment
                                1. Straits Chinese, Bugis, Arab traders
                                2. Job opportunities
                                3. Greater stability due to lack of natural disasters
                                  1. Religious pilgrimages e.g. the haj
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