Our prewriting and ideas and resources for possible genius hour project (Bringing Change to Our Classes From Students Perspectives with Teachers in Mind)
Check out the following website:
ACT Weaknesses
Impact of Testing on Instruction
One Size Fits All
Testing in Our Classes Different - Not Timed - Not Multiple Choice
Teachers Need to USE Assessments and Data to Drive Their Instruction
Check out the following website for discussion and ideas on how to prepare students and to use the results to impact the classroom.
Scholarly Article on Use of Assessments
APA Reference
Li, H., & Xiong, Y. (2018). The Relationship between Test Preparation and State Test Performance: Evidence from the Measure of Effective Teaching (MET) Project. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26(64). Retrieved from https://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/
Ideas for How to Use the Strengths to Overcome the Weaknesses
Use Results and Percentages in OpenEd
Use the link to access the website and start using the resources.