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elizabeth cardenas arias
Mapa Mental por elizabeth cardenas arias, actualizado hace más de 1 año
elizabeth cardenas arias
Creado por elizabeth cardenas arias hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

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  1. e consumption addiction, un reflective purchase or lack of control at the time of purchase
    1. types
      1. addiction to the purchase: consits of consumption as the pillar on which sustains daily life
    2. e consumption addiction, unveflective purchase or lack of control at the time of pur chase
      1. types
        1. - addiction to the purchase: consists of consumption as the pillar on which sustains daily life
          1. -consumption addiction: new purchases are made, must unnecessary and lose inteterest after buying it
            1. - credit addiction: is the uncontrolled use of cre cards
        2. come from a:
          1. psychological problem that indicates the lack of incentives or estimales
            1. and is compensated through the
              1. shopping moments of sadness or frustrations
          2. produces
            1. anxierty or depression disorders
              1. produces economic problem leading to family bankruetey
          3. ujtbuifrhggu
            1. e consumption addiction, unreflective purchase or lack of control at the time of purchase
              1. types
                1. addiction to the purchase:consists of consumption as the pillar on which sustains daily life
                  1. Addiction to consumption: new purchases are made, most unnecessary and lose interest after buying it
                    1. Addiction to credit: is the uncontrolled use of credit cards
                2. comes from a
                  1. psychological problem that indicates the lack of incentives or stimuli
                    1. and it is compensated through the
                      1. Shopping moments of sadness or frustrations
                  2. produces
                    1. anxiety or depression disorders
                      1. produces economic problem leading to family bankruptcy
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