British conquest of France's North American Empire


social 1 Mapa Mental sobre British conquest of France's North American Empire, creado por tdhein el 27/08/2013.
Mapa Mental por tdhein, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por tdhein hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

British conquest of France's North American Empire
  1. Frontier
    1. short term causes
      1. New France was a small colony/New England was a large colony
        1. New England had a large fighting force/New France had a small one
          1. Need for strategic positions for fur trade and protection
            1. Use of traditional fighting strategies instead of guerilla warfare and poor battle choices by France
              1. disagreement around borderlands
                1. Ohio company
                  1. Vauderville and Montcalm not being able to agree
                    1. people of Quebec were faced with rationing/starvation/typhus and an army on their door
                      1. luck on the part of Britain in landing unnoticed, etc
                      2. long term causes
                        1. colonization and expansion
                          1. increased wealth
                            1. wanting access to prime agricultural land for growing colonies
                          2. Metropolitan
                            1. short term causes
                              1. Britain had superior navel power
                                1. steady stream of military and supplies
                                  1. blockades of French supplies
                                  2. New FRance was still economically dependant on Mother Country/New England was not
                                    1. Treaty of Utretcht
                                      1. Dispute around boundaries of land given by France in the treaty
                                    2. Long term causes
                                      1. France was not interested in colonization but saw Canada as strategic
                                        1. needed land due to overcrowding and famine
                                          1. War of Austrian Sucession
                                            1. France and Britain Rivalry in competing for supremacy in Europe
                                              1. colonization/mercantilism push
                                                1. need for fish (protein) in home country
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                                              character of New France Society - Decapitation vs. Changing Masters
                                              War of 1812
                                              Change in European-Native relations from 1780-1850
                                              Impact of British Conquest on Quebec between 1760-1800
                                              Iroquois constitution and social values
                                              how they ensured adequate supplies for life
                                              evidence against FN being mesmerized into subordinates by newcomers
                                              did women have greater possibilities in New France
                                              19th century Atlantic colonies
                                              Church and religious thought effects