Rise of Nationalism in Europe part 1


Mapa Mental sobre Rise of Nationalism in Europe part 1, creado por Sandeep Singh el 21/07/2019.
Sandeep Singh
Mapa Mental por Sandeep Singh, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Sandeep Singh
Creado por Sandeep Singh hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Rise of Nationalism in Europe part 1
  1. A feeling of Oneness
    1. First expression seen in French Revolution
      1. French Revolution 1789
        1. Power transfer from Monarchy to Common people
          1. Brought New tri-colour flsg
            1. French became National Language
              1. New National anthem composed & Oath Taken
                1. Idea of La patrie and La citoyen emerged
                  1. Estate general renamed National Assembly
                    1. Internal custom abolished
                      1. Nationalism Idea taken abroad by French Armies
                  2. Napoleon (1799-1815)
                    1. Abolished Democracy & re-established Monarchy
                      1. Civil Code (1804)
                        1. Equality before law
                          1. Right to property
                            1. Feudal system was abolished
                              1. Freed peasants from serfdom
                                1. Guild restriction removed
                                  1. Transport & Communication Improved
                                    1. Drawbacks
                                      1. Increased Taxes
                                        1. Censorship imposed
                                          1. Forced to join Frencc Army
                                        2. Battle of Waterloo 1815
                                          1. Napoleon v/s Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia
                                            1. Napoleon Defeated
                                            2. Conservatism
                                              1. Preserve
                                                1. Monarchy
                                                  1. Church
                                                    1. Social Hierarchies
                                                      1. Autocracy
                                                      2. No Criticism
                                                        1. Censorship
                                                        2. Treaty Of Vienna 1815
                                                          1. Bourbon Dynasty restored
                                                            1. States setup on the boundaries of France to prevent Expansion
                                                              1. Prussia got territories its Western
                                                                1. Austria got North Italy
                                                                  1. Russia got Poland
                                                                    1. German Confederation of 39 states was left untouched
                                                                2. Mid 18th Century (1750-1815)
                                                                  1. No Nation-State
                                                                    1. Diversity
                                                                      1. Upper Class
                                                                        1. Aristocracy
                                                                          1. Land owning Class
                                                                            1. Spoke French
                                                                              1. Small groups
                                                                                1. Connected by Marriage
                                                                                  1. United in Common way of life
                                                                                  2. Lower Class
                                                                                    1. Majority Population
                                                                                      1. Looked after Aristocracy's Land
                                                                                  3. Industrial Growth
                                                                                    1. Middle Class
                                                                                      1. National Unity
                                                                                        1. Common
                                                                                          1. Culture
                                                                                            1. Language
                                                                                              1. Tradition
                                                                                                1. History
                                                                                              2. Liberal Nationalism
                                                                                                1. Freedom of Individuals
                                                                                                  1. Equality before Law
                                                                                                    1. Govt. with public agreement
                                                                                                      1. End Autocracy and clerical Priviledge
                                                                                                        1. Constitution & Representative Govt.
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