Eric was born into money and
didnt have to earn it - gives him
the right to be selfish
"I was in the state where a chap easily turns
nasty" suggests his selfish nature, effortlessly
gets what he wants
Also questions what
happens in a society with
no legal requirements on
Decisions left to the conscience of people
like Mr BIrling who only look out for
"lower costs and higher prices" -
wants lower wages for the workers
in his factory which will cause them
to suffer
"I had told him quite plainly... i had done no more than my duty" Mrs
Birling says in act 3 to the rest of the family
shows that she thinks that despite
how she is largely to blame for Eva’s
death she is in denial of this- to avoid
a potential scandal that could ruin
family reputation
excessive use of
personal pronouns
further conveys to
the reader that Mrs
Birling only cares
about herself
“duty” highlights one of the key themes, responsibility - shows that
Birling family are oblivious to their true duties as upper class
citizens and actually feel that their lives take priority over others
feels its her “duty” to refuse Eva help - used the
name Birling - highlights to reader how shallow
the Birlings are and are unaware of how their
decisions affect others
Priestley may have used Mrs
Birling to convey how the
upper classes feel that their
lives are more important than
the lower class and how they
feel that the lower classes are
almost sub-human.