Simple Past Tense


Simple past tense
leonardo puentes
Mapa Mental por leonardo puentes, actualizado hace más de 1 año
leonardo puentes
Creado por leonardo puentes hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Simple Past Tense
  1. Regular verbs
    1. adding when it ends in
      1. D
        1. live - lived
          1. stare - stared
          2. ED
            1. play - played
              1. stay - stayed
              2. IED
                1. try - tried
                  1. carry - carried
                  2. example: She liked to take the sun
                    1. She needed to speak English
                2. Irregular verbs
                  1. depending a different verb form
                    1. drive - drove
                      1. have - had
                        1. bring - brought
                          1. example: She read the newspaper yesterday
                            1. I lost my wallet yesterday
                        2. Verb To Be
                          1. compound
                            1. was
                              1. HE - SHE - IT
                              2. were
                                1. YOU - WE - THEY
                                2. example: I was a good student
                                  1. You were very serious
                              3. affirmative
                                1. I played
                                2. negative
                                  1. I did not play
                                  2. interrogative
                                    1. ¿Did I pay?
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