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Frantz Fanon and Racial Identity in Post - Colonial Contexts
Mapa Mental sobre Frantz Fanon and Racial Identity in Post - Colonial Contexts, creado por challa8986236 el 10/09/2013.
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frantz fanon
franz fanon
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, actualizado hace más de 1 año
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hace más de 11 años
Resumen del Recurso
Frantz Fanon and Racial Identity in Post - Colonial Contexts
Thinking post - colonial identity
Identity = social meanings & structural conditions
Identity = shifting/ change
Identity conditioned by power
Group identity = cultural resources available
Defining the post - colonial
Post colonial = period after Europeans owned colonies
Colonies gained political independence
Understanding relationship between coloniser and colonised
Understanding the dominance & resistance when colonies are being controlled by outside party
How racial oppression affects identity
The lived experience of the black man/ woman
Identity is influenced by the world around it
The world around the identity can change
Black skin - white masks
Racial alienation
Relationship between internal world of person and external world with constraints
Person can be estranged from their humanness, self, belonging to their people
All caused by race
The pathology of the colonial context
Racial contact = dominance by one group
Dominant through physical, cultural and economical terms
Racial contact = dominance = potential for psychopathology
Cultural dispossession: Alienation through language
Adopting language of oppressor = alienation
Improve in white culture but lose black culture
Dispossessed identities
Coloniser eradicates colonised's culture
Follows terms that devaluates colonised
Result = deeply rooted sense of inferiority
Lessening of blackness to achieve whiteness
Desire is forced upon black subjects by white subjects
Abandon selves to achieve white acceptance
Double consciousness
Black identity = double consciousness
Colonised succeeds in colonisers culture
Colonised = distnaced from home culture
Disharmony between two sides
Synchrony between culture, nation and family
Family follows nation = synchronised = positive picture
No synchronisation = destructs social structure = violence
Synchronisation for identity
Violence internalised
Fanon = oppressed = personal conflicts and turmoil
Opressed = conditions for the destruction of racism
The identity dynamics of racism
Blackness essesntialised
Blackness = essential and determining quality of identity
Not the meaning the person makes for himself but the pre - existing one that leaves impression
Blackness functions as a fixed essence in speech and appearance
Qualifying, categorising, problematising the racial subject
Racist thinking defines individuals based on race, associations, values etc of that race
Prejudicial terms = idealise dominant class while problimitising dominated class
Black/ gay etc = understood through terms of categorical groupings
How Whiteness defines Blackness
Superiority of Whiteness requires the systemic devaluation of Blacks
Neagtive Black & Positive white = binary logic
Blackness is based on not being White
Identity development in oppressive contexts
Stages of marginal identity
Stage 1 = capitulation = identify with aggressor
Stage 2 = revitalisation = reacts towards powerful dominance (flight)
Stage 3 = radicalisation = committed to radical social change (fight)
The dynamics of cultural 'in - betweenity'
The grey area where all 3 stages of marginal identity overlap
When overlap = influence on each other = change
Critiques of Fanon
Sexism: black woman and white man & black man and white woman
Representing colonial relationship as one of complete dominance and control
Essentialist & static categories
Recursos multimedia adjuntos
sa_vlag (image/jpg)
rainbow_nation (image/jpg)
dominance (image/jpg)
race (image/jpg)
black_woman_and_man (image/jpg)
black_skin_white_mask (image/jpg)
inferior (image/jpg)
Frantz_Fanon (image/jpg)
identity (image/jpg)
colonialism (image/jpg)
prejudice (image/jpg)
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