Charge of the light brigade


will mind map
Tracy Shahar
Mapa Mental por Tracy Shahar, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Tracy Shahar
Creado por Tracy Shahar hace casi 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Charge of the light brigade
  1. "Cannon to the left Cannon to the right Cannon to the front"
    1. Bowling they are going to be massacred
    2. "valley of death" "jaws of death" "mouth of hell
      1. metaphor suggesting death
        1. Graphic, violent imagery
      2. "theirs not to"
        1. "Their" is the soldiers, so they are "not" allowed to question
          1. The soldiers are just tools
          2. Repetition
          3. "Six hundred" is repeated to reminded you how many soldiers were near;y killed due to a misunderstanding
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