The Progressive Era


Mapa Mental sobre The Progressive Era, creado por BREANNA CLARK el 20/02/2020.
Mapa Mental por BREANNA CLARK, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por BREANNA CLARK hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

The Progressive Era
  1. Working conditions were unfair during this era. Many labor unions were formed to fight against unfair work policies.
    1. Immigrant living conditions consisted of crowded living quarters, disease, dirty streets, and water shortages.
      1. Big businesses emerged in this time period, which created new jobs.
        1. Environmentalism emerged during this era. Many people began to become concerned about the environment and made it a huge priority.
        2. Women's rights were a big concern. Many suffrage associations were formed to fight for women's rights to vote.
          1. Racial discrimination was very prevalent in society after the time the Civil War ended. Tensions grew between white people and people of color and led to the huge Civil Rights movement in the 60s.
            1. Theodore Roosevelt served as President from 1901-1909. He was a republican, a conservationist, a salesman, and a naturalist.
              1. Sherman Antitrust was an act that was ratified in 1890. It regulated competitive enterprises.
                1. Clayton Antitrust was an act ratified in 1914. It gives an exact definition to what is and is not considered to be unethical business.
                  1. The Meat Inspection Act was passed in 1906. This act officially made it a crime to misbrand meat.
                    1. The Pure Food and Drug Act was also passed in 1906. This resulted in the formation of the Food and Drug Administration.
                      1. Hull House was a housing place for immigrants. It was founded by Jane Addams in 1889.
                        1. The 19th Amendment was ratified on August 18th, 1920. It states that the government cannot deny any citizen the right to vote based on their sex.
                          1. National Wildlife Refuges are a part of a system that protects certain areas managed by wildlife associations.
                            1. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded in 1909. This was a response to the racial discrimination at the time and worked towards equality among African Americans and white people.
                              1. Tuskegee Institute is a historically black private college in Tuskegee, Alabama. It was founded in 1881 by Lewis Adams and Booker T. Washington.
                                1. Upton Sinclair was a writer who wrote the famed book, The Jungle, which described working conditions. His books brought many social issues to light.
                                  1. Jane Addams founded the Hull House. She was a settlement activist, reformer, sociologist, and a social worker. She worked to solve many problems in society.
                                    1. Jacob Riis was a social reformer. He took photos and wrote journals about his experience with social problems. His work contributed to reforms.
                                      1. National American Suffrage Association was formed in 1890 in response to voting inequalities. It advocated for women's rights to vote.
                                        1. Alice Paul was a feminist, suffragette, and activist. She led many campaigns that worked towards the 19th Amendment.
                                          1. John Muir was known as the "Father of the Mountains". He was a philosopher, naturalist, and mountaineer. He was one of the first advocates for the preservation of wildlife in the U.S.
                                            1. Gifford Pinchot was a politician and forester. Like John Muir, he worked towards wildlife preservation. He was a Chief in Pennsylvania's forestry division and eventually became Governor of Pennsylvania.
                                              1. Woodrow Wilson served as President from 1913 to 1921. He was a democratic politician.
                                                1. Booker T. Washington was a teacher and presidential adviser. He helped to establish the Tuskegee Institute in 1881.
                                                  1. William Howard Taft served as President from 1909 to 1913. He was also chief justice.
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