Abnormality - A psychological condition or behaviour that departs from the norm or is harmful and distressing to the individual or those around them. Abnormal behaviours are usually those that violate society's ideas of what is an appropriate level of functioning.
Definition 3: Deviation from ideal mental health
Abnormality is seen as deviating from an ideal of positive mental health.
Most can't meet all the criteria
How many criteria do you have to lack to be abnormal?
Cultural relativism
The criteria for ideal mental health are culture bound
Marie Jahoda (1958)
Identified six criteria for idea mental health
Self-attitudes: having high self-esteem and strong sense of identity
Personal growth and self-actualisation
Integration: being able to cope with stressful situations
Autonomy: being independent and self-regulating
Having an accurate perception of reality
Mastery of the environment
Definition 1: Deviation from social norms
Abnormal behaviour is seen as a deviation from implicit rules about how one 'ought' to behave. Anything that violates these rules is considered abnormal.
Cultural relativism
Social norms are defined by culture
Susceptible to abuse
Definition 2: Failure to function adequately
By using practical criteria of adequate functioning, mentally healthy people are judged as being able to operate within certain acceptable limits. If abnormal behaviour interferes with daily functioning, it may, according to these criteria, be considered abnormal.
Some behaviour, although appearing maladaptive, can
actually be adaptive and functional for the individual
Cultural relativism
There are different ideas of what
is 'failure to function adequately'