Critical Thinking - Standards and Elements of thought


Mapa Mental sobre Critical Thinking - Standards and Elements of thought, creado por Peniciline el 12/03/2015.
Mapa Mental por Peniciline, actualizado hace más de 1 año
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Resumen del Recurso

Critical Thinking - Standards and Elements of thought
  1. Universal Intellectual Standards
    1. What are they used for?
      1. When you want to check the quality of reasoning a problem, also, to identify the ideas in a more complex way.
      2. What are they?
        1. Clarity: To make something understandable.
          1. Accuracy: Prove that the information is true, free from errors.
            1. Precision: To have the exact nivel of detail.
              1. Relevance: Relating to the main theme.
                1. Depth: Containing difficult ideas.
                  1. Breadth: Multiple viewpoints of the theme.
                    1. Logic: Ideas make sense together.
                      1. Fairness: Belief that the ideas are true and right.
                      2. Clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breath, logic and fairness.
                      3. Elements of Thought
                        1. What are they used for?
                          1. Understanding something, ideas, problems. They can be used to do great proyeccts. They organize the information in an adecuate way.
                          2. What are they?
                            1. Question: It lays out the problem and guides us toward the situation.
                              1. Purpose: The reason of why are you doing that thing; goal.
                                1. Information: Facts, data and evidence used to prove the theme.
                                  1. Interpretation and inference: The conclusions that came to your mind.
                                    1. Concepts: Ideas, theories or principles used to make sense of things.
                                      1. Assumptions: Beliefs you take for granted.
                                        1. Implications: Claims or truths that logically follow from other claims or truths. Implications follow from thoughts.
                                          1. Points of View: The perspective, the way you see something in order to understand it.
                                          2. Question, purpose, information, interpretation and inference, concepts, assumptions, implications, and points of view.
                                          3. Andrea Gómez Marín A01229589
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