Latin American independence


Mapa Mental sobre Latin American independence, creado por Micaela Decarvalho el 23/06/2020.
Micaela Decarvalho
Mapa Mental por Micaela Decarvalho, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Micaela Decarvalho
Creado por Micaela Decarvalho hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Latin American independence
  1. Inspiration
    1. age of reson
      1. franch revolution
        1. américan revolutin
          1. industrial revolution
          2. external problems
            1. napoleon
              1. creole discontentament
                1. "pacto colonial"
                  1. Franch conquered Sphain
                  2. Internal problems
                    1. "pacto colonial"
                      1. againt
                        1. creoles, business people, farmes, intellectuals
                        2. for
                          1. chapetones, governament and catholic church
                      2. Haiti
                        1. conquered and colonized by Franch
                          1. Toussain Louverture
                          2. Miguel Hidalgo and José Morelos
                            1. tried to start the independence
                              1. they were killed by the government
                              2. Simon Bolivar
                                1. Criole
                                  1. his education was in an church
                                    1. studied in Paris
                                      1. 1807
                                        1. came back to Venezuela, and he tried turce to start the independence, but he didn´t succed
                                          1. 1821
                                            1. he became the gran columbia
                                              1. he became the president of gran columbia and the independence happined
                                              2. 1829
                                                1. Uruguai independence
                                                  1. 1830
                                                    1. he left the throne
                                                      1. he wante to creat a whole country and he wanted to be a strong lider
                                              3. Ingl + USA wanted to explore Latin América
                                                1. Results:
                                                  1. Bolivar´s didint succeed
                                                    1. many wars
                                                      1. left may countries in control of coudillos
                                                        1. was rich creole and aristocrts
                                                          1. Valthy creole
                                                            1. they controle the latin american
                                                              1. overthrew government and took away basic human rights
                                                                1. some attempted to make improvements, but most just about themselvs and their families and friends
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