Disturbed and disturbing behaviour


Mapa Mental sobre Disturbed and disturbing behaviour, creado por Filpa el 04/10/2013.
Mapa Mental por Filpa, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por Filpa hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Disturbed and disturbing behaviour
  1. Problem behaviour
    1. When is it a problem?
      1. rating scales
        1. Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ)
          1. Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL)
            1. used by parents & teachers
              1. 8 dimensions
                1. internalising
                  1. externalising
              2. Context - embedded
                1. Goodness of fit
                  1. Weiss et al. cross-cultural study


                    • parents' perception of 'problems' in their 11-15yr olds in Kenya, Thailand and the USA. US parents - children disobedient & argumentative, Kenyan parents - children fearful and anxious
                2. Prevalence
                  1. Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study


                    • NZ 1972 cohort 3ys+, low attrition 4% after 23 yrs
                    1. 17.6% @ 11yrs
                    2. National Child Development Study


                      • GB 1958 on
                      1. 22% @ 7yrs, 14% serious
                      2. British Child Mental Health Survey


                        • 1999 GB
                        1. 10% of 5-15 yr olds
                        2. Can't compare results of studies
                      3. Stability - did adolescents with difficulties have difficulties from an early age
                        1. White et al - stability in anti-social behaviour
                          1. Bates et al - stability in aggressive behaviour
                            1. expression of problems change over time
                              1. Boys tend NOT to grow out of aggression
                                1. Overlap in disorders - particularly depression
                                2. Risk factors ASSOCIATIONS not causes
                                  1. Social background
                                    1. father's behaviour
                                      1. mother's mental state
                                        1. parental attitudes
                                          1. marital relationship
                                          2. Models
                                            1. Medical model
                                              1. within the child
                                              2. Social environment model
                                                1. environmental
                                                  1. Bowlby's maternal deprivation
                                              3. Parental roles
                                                1. Murray & Stein
                                                  1. Maternal sensitivity
                                                    1. see Attachment
                                                      1. Infants disturbed by 'unnatural pertubations' - blank face, out of sync reactions etc.
                                                        1. Criticised by Meins et al. - too vague, no account for mind-mindedness
                                                          1. Murray's natural experiment with mothers with post-natal depression supports BUT there are other factors involved in depression
                                                      2. Bor et al
                                                        1. Mother's attitudes
                                                          1. mothers with -ve attitudes to their babies at 6 months were more likely to percieve problems at 5yrs
                                                            1. Dadds et al. High abuse-risk mothers - saw +ve behaviours as external, -ve behaviours as internal
                                                              1. Patterson
                                                                1. cycle of parent-child conflict
                                                            2. Role of fathers
                                                              1. Jafee et al
                                                                1. Absence of antisocial father had a positive effect
                                                                2. Flouri & Buchanan
                                                                  1. father involvement @ 7yrs in disrupted families protected against maladjustment
                                                              2. Children's roles - NOT PASSIVE
                                                                1. Bell - parenting style is a response to children's temperament rather than temperament being the result of parenting style
                                                                  1. Johnston et al - medication influenced both the child'd behaviours and parental attributions of them
                                                                    1. Sameroff's transactional model
                                                                      1. Temperament
                                                                        1. Protective factors
                                                                          1. High IQ - Flouri & Buchanan
                                                                          2. Goodness of fit - Chess & Thomas
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