Employer offer mindmap


Mapa Mental sobre Employer offer mindmap, creado por linda.martin el 16/04/2015.
Mapa Mental por linda.martin, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por linda.martin hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Employer offer mindmap


  • Make reference to previous bids such as Pride
  1. Mentoring-options
    1. Company accredited programme
      1. Potential Trailblazer offer at level 3- this could attract funding
        1. Some form of ILM accreditation
        2. Assessment centres
          1. Preparing for assessments
            1. Acting as an assessment centre
            2. Benefits of offer- USP- improved employer engagement ; improved learner support; better completions
              1. Cost- dependant on selection £200-£500
                1. What would the mentoring cover: Do I want to be a mentor- skills analysis; mentoring skills clinic; building the mentoring relationship; acting as a sounding board; learning to view the world from someone else's hilltop and assessment
                2. Safeguarding for the employer-for all staff
                  1. Possible use of Isabelle's work
                    1. Useful for staff working in educational and care institutions
                    2. Academies
                      1. Chef
                        1. Wine and Beer service
                          1. Customer service
                          2. In-house training service
                            1. Partnership delivery of workshop training
                              1. Skills training
                                1. Offer of blended learning
                                  1. Statutory training
                                    1. Functional skills- English, Maths and ICT access for all employer staff
                                    2. Consultancy for employers wishing to co-ordinate and run their own delivery
                                      1. Greater emphasis on account management and employer reporting and feedback- using workbooks- BKSB and E-track
                                      2. Standard apprenticeships
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                                        Communication processes in project management at BACC
                                        Offre Meritis Hybrid
                                        Adrien Schiano
                                        Economía de la Empresa - Test de Selectividad
                                        Virginia Vera
                                        Fichas de Competencias Comunicativas del Español: Estructura de la Lengua
                                        Raúl Fox
                                        Contexto histórico-cultural de Platón. 2º de Bachillerato.
                                        smael Montesinos
                                        FISICA ELECTRÓNICA
                                        Diego Santos
                                        Repaso de Revalida Enfermeria 2015
                                        Tomas Maun
                                        Pequeños Trucos para Leer Más en Menos Tiempo
                                        Diego Santos
                                        EXAMEN DE SIMULACION PAEP
                                        CAROLINA SABORI
                                        Máquinas y Mecanismos: Tipos de palancas
                                        Pedro Landín