Jewish Practices


Higher School Certificate(HSC ) RMPS Mapa Mental sobre Jewish Practices, creado por arranpaton13 el 29/04/2015.
Mapa Mental por arranpaton13, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por arranpaton13 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Jewish Practices
  1. Jewish Practice 1 - One God
    1. Source
      1. Deuteronomy 6: 4-9


        • "Israel, remember this! the lord and the lord alone - is our God, love the lord your God with all your heart with all your soul, and with all your strength, never forget these commandments that I am giving you today. Teach them to your children, repeat them when your at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working. Tie them on your arm and wear them on your arm and wear them on your foreheads as a reminder. write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."
      2. Belief
        1. One God


          • Jews believe: There is only one God No other being helped in the work of creationGod is one he is a whole and is everywhere he is invisible and can't be split into separate partsGod is the only one to which Jews should prayGod is neither male nor femaleGod is the creator of everything
        2. Practice


          • Practice is the physical way they carry out each belief
          1. Prayer


            • They pray 3 times a day, it's part of their everyday life.They recite the Shema daily it emphasises the belief in one God Brings them closer to God
            1. Worship


              • To worship God is to basically say you love it
              1. Synagougue


                • Synagougue is the place of worship and where many beliefs are practiced
              2. Importance


                • The importance of the beliefs are significant as without the belief in one God Judaism would have stood out like every other religion back when it first began
              3. Jewish Practice 2 - Dual Nature
                1. Source
                  1. Genesis 1: 27


                    • "So God created human beings making them to be like himself. He created them male and female"
                  2. Belief
                    1. Dual Nature


                      • Jews believe: God made us like himself giving us duel nature Yetzer Tov is good it is our moral conscience reminding them of Gods laws Yetzer Hara is bad yet only if you don't control it's our instinct
                    2. Practice
                      1. Tzedakah


                        • Tzedakah is giving to charity, money goes into a small Pushkie box tzedakah is the belief to do good and help others. "give a man a fish he'll eat for a day give a man a rod he'll eat like a king forever."
                        1. Lashon Harah


                          • Lashon Harah is speaking wrongly of people this can be anything from talking behind their backs or speaking about them in hateful way 
                          1. Work


                            • Dual Nature is helpful at work as it teaches you how to behave/act at work. This is basically bahving right and not lying about work mates but telling the truth and being helpful
                          2. Importance


                            • The importance of dual Nature is unbelievable as it is basically what ensures they behave in an appropriate manner
                          3. Jewish Practice 3 - Covenant
                            1. Source
                              1. Exodus 24: 6


                                • "Moses took half the blood of the animals and put it in bowls: and the other half he threw against the altar."
                              2. Belief
                                1. Covenant


                                  • Covenant is an agreement between two people this covenant is between God and the Jewish people
                                  1. Making the Covenant
                                    1. Abraham


                                      • Abram as originally named made the first deal with God he left his home, circumcised his child and himself and in return was given the promise land and protection
                                      1. Noah


                                        • Noah was the first part of the Covenant he made a deal with God
                                        1. Moses


                                          • Moses was the final part of the Covenant he helped free the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt and promised to obey God in return the Torah and the ten commandments were given to the Jewish people
                                        2. Brit Milah


                                          • Brit Milah is also called Circumcision this is when the foreskin of a boys pennis is cut off
                                          1. Bar Mitzvah


                                            • A Bar Mitzvah is when a boy turns 13 and is a special occasion because it is when he finally takes on the re
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