

Scottish Highers RMPS Mind Map on Buddha, created by krissy96 on 16/10/2013.
Mind Map by krissy96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by krissy96 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Childhood
    1. Born; Lumbini (Northern India
      1. On a full moon
      2. Farher; Raja Suddhodana
        1. Leader of Shakya people
        2. Mother; Queen Maya
          1. Died seven days after giving birth
            1. Raised by his Aunt
              1. Also married to his father
          2. Real name; Siddhartha Gautama
            1. A prophecy was made when he was born
              1. Was either going to be a religious teacher or a great leader
                1. Father kept the knowledge of the outside world from him
                  1. He grew dissatisfied with this life
              2. Married at 16yrs old
                1. To Princess Yasodhara
                  1. Had a son; Rahula
                2. 4 Sights
                  1. Old Age
                    1. Suffering
                    2. Sickness
                      1. Death
                        1. Suffering
                        2. Holy Man, Sadhu
                          1. Led Siddhartha to decide that he would leave home to find a cure for suffering
                        3. Ascetics
                          1. These were Sadhus
                            1. To achieve spiritual benefit; expose yourself to suffering
                            2. Followed them for six years
                              1. Realised this lifestyle was not the answer
                            3. Enlightenment
                              1. Meditated beneath a Pipal Tree
                                1. For twelve hours
                                2. Struggled with temptations
                                  1. From the devil, Mara, and his daughters
                                  2. Understood the way in which all things come into existence and pass away again
                                    1. Negative feelings and cravings make people grasp for life even though it brings suffering
                                      1. When the sun rose he experienced Nibbana, when all desires are over come; Enlightenment
                                      2. Later Life
                                        1. Gained the name Buddha; " the awakened one"
                                          1. After reaching Enlightenment
                                            1. Age 35yrs Old
                                          2. Taught Noble Eightfold Path to Enlightenment
                                            1. For 45yrs
                                            2. Preached his first sermon in Deer Park at Sarnath turning the 'wheel of law' (the Dhamma)
                                              1. He died peacefully and passed into Nivana at Kusinara
                                                1. Aged 80yrs old

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