Reality testing impaired, markedly interferes
with capacity to meet everyday demands
Psychosis is a symptom,
not a diagnosis
Schizophrenia diagnosis
Sensory perception that
has the compelling sense
of reality of a true
perception but that
occurs without external
stimulation of the
relevant sensory organ
Social/occupational dysfunction
6 month duration
A tenaciously held belief,
which does not respond
to reason and that is
judged to be at odds with
the individual's usual
culture & environment
Disorganised speech
Thought form.
Negative symptoms
Lack of motivation
Problems with diagnosis
Reliability & validity, disagreements,
Symptom-based approaches
Continuum hypothesis
1/5 of normal population
have experienced
hallucinations & delusions
Stress-vulnerability Model
(Zubin & Spring, 1977)
89% have no relative
with condition
Closer bio relationship - greater
risk of relative having it