Task Analysis


Mapa Mental sobre Task Analysis, creado por Beth Thornton el 08/05/2015.
Beth Thornton
Mapa Mental por Beth Thornton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Beth Thornton
Creado por Beth Thornton hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Task Analysis
  1. Cost
    1. Will my product be worth the price?
      1. Are the materials durable?
        1. Does the price, reflect the quality?
          1. Is it wood or metal or other materials?
        2. Will i make a full scale model or a small scale model?
          1. Can i afford to do this?
          2. What will my product cost me?
            1. Can i afford to make this product?
            2. How much wiill i sell my product for?
              1. Can my target market afford this?
                1. How much are my rivals charging?
                  1. Can i compete with them?
                    1. Most products make around 70% profit, can i do that?
              2. What type of research can i do to find out about my costs and if they match my target market?
                1. Where can i get this information from?
              3. Aesthetics
                1. Will the aesthetics of my product suit my target market?
                  1. What colours and trends does my target market like?
                    1. Can this change at any moment?
                    2. How will i research into this?
                    3. How can i make it appeal to my target market?
                      1. Will i have to change the original colours?
                      2. Will my materials affect the way my products look?
                      3. Function
                        1. What will my product be used for?
                          1. What will it do?
                            1. How will it function?
                              1. Does it have a primary or secondary function?
                                1. How does it work?
                                  1. Is it easy to use?
                          2. Where will my product be used?
                            1. Who will be able to use the product?
                              1. Will i have to consider saftey measures?
                              2. What reasearch will i have to do to see how simular products function?
                                1. Where would it come from?
                              3. Envriroment
                                1. What materials can be used to manufacture my product?
                                  1. Are these materials recycleable?
                                    1. Eco-Freindly or Not?
                                    2. Will my product be easy to dispose of?
                                      1. Where and when is my product going to be used?
                                        1. What research will i do to find out the problems my product may have caused?
                                          1. What damage can my product cause to the enviroment?
                                            1. Will my product advertisment effect the enviroment?
                                            2. User
                                              1. Who is my target market?
                                                1. Who is your product aimed at?
                                                  1. What is their age?
                                                    1. Gender? Female or Male?
                                                      1. Interests? Sports or Dolls?
                                                        1. Do they have any disabilites?
                                                          1. Where can my product be used?
                                                            1. Indoor or outdoor?
                                                            2. Why will it be used? Can it help in anyway?
                                                              1. Will my product be safe for the user, how will i consider this?
                                                                1. Will i have to research into what the target market wants?
                                                                  1. Questionnaires or Focus Groups ?
                                                                2. Quality
                                                                  1. How will you ensure the quality of your product?
                                                                    1. Will i need to use CAD/CAM to ensure accuracy and quality?
                                                                      1. Will i need to make templates/ jigs to ensure quality?
                                                                        1. Will they be accurate?
                                                                        2. What materials could you use?
                                                                          1. Could i consider cheaper materials and maintain the same quality?
                                                                          2. How would i check the quality of my product during the manufaturing process?
                                                                            1. What manufacturing process could i use to make my product?
                                                                              1. Will it effect the quality?
                                                                                1. How will i research this?
                                                                              2. Will i have to test my materials before i start making it?
                                                                              3. Ergonomics
                                                                                1. Is my product to be used by people or animals?
                                                                                  1. If so which part? Hands, mouth or feet?
                                                                                  2. Is weight, Shape, size or comfort impotant to the consumer?
                                                                                    1. How can i make it comfy?
                                                                                    2. Will my product need instructions to help the consumer use the product?
                                                                                      1. Universal Symbols or words?
                                                                                      2. Will it be easy to use?
                                                                                        1. How will i be research ergonomics?
                                                                                          1. What do i need to find out?
                                                                                            1. Anthropometric Data?
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