Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology intoClassrooms


Learning activity 1.5
jorge flores7522
Mapa Mental por jorge flores7522, actualizado hace más de 1 año
jorge flores7522
Creado por jorge flores7522 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology intoClassrooms
  1. Advantages
    1. More student involvement, so students aren’t bored and inactive.
      1. Expand cooperative learning
        1. Prepare students for the working environment where technology skills are imperative for job searching and training.
          1. Connect to real life situations
            1. Assist teachers in
              1. Developing interactive lessons
                1. Organization and grading policies
                  1. Keeping students on task and interested
                2. Disadvantages
                  1. Lack of Support
                    1. Upkeep and Maintenance Expenses
                      1. Inadequate Teaching Methodology
                        1. Incompatibility Issues
                          1. Time Lost
                          2. Types of technology used in classrooms today Active boards
                            1. Projectors
                              1. Web development programs
                                1. Internet
                                  1. Student computers
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