jihye lim


Mapa Mental por jihye.lim, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por jihye.lim hace más de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

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  1. family
    1. leegap lim-father, architector
      1. friends of my father
        1. byunsu kim-justice of the suprem court in korea
          1. hanjin choi-lawyer
            1. myungsu bak-accountant
          2. sunrye go-mother, kindergarden teacher
            1. junggap lim-uncle, head of asian depart at Ireland company
              1. youngju-uncle, work at stcok market in korea
                1. jihye lim-sister, student at dankook univ
                2. Friends
                  1. myungchul shin-work at OLLEH which is major telecommunication company in korea
                    1. hyunjin choi-work at samsung economy center
                      1. donnap-running homestay business in miami
                        1. yunjung huh-work as a party planner
                          1. kyungsu kim-soldier
                            1. hyejin ahn-dentist
                              1. suhyun lee-kindergarden teacher
                              2. family
                                1. jungap lim-uncle,
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