Grace Hopper


11th grade Math Mapa Mental sobre Grace Hopper, creado por Joseph Gianotti el 05/03/2021.
Joseph Gianotti
Mapa Mental por Joseph Gianotti, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Joseph Gianotti
Creado por Joseph Gianotti hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Grace Hopper
  1. 1906 born in New York City
    1. best known for contributions to computer languages
    2. Youth & Studies
      1. 1928 graduated phi beta kappa from Vassar college
        1. Degrees in mathematics and physics
          1. 1930 MA in mathematics from Yale
            1. 1934 Ph.D. in mathematics from Yale
              1. Took a one year sabbatical to study with Richard Courant at New York University
        2. Teacher & Researcher
          1. 1931 began teaching mathematics at Vassar while pursuing a Ph.D.
            1. 1943 Joined the US Navy reserve
              1. Was assigned to the bureau of ships computation project at Harvard university
                1. Programmed the Mark I and made the 561-page user manual
                  1. Hopper and her colleagues “ran numbers” used in developing the plutonium bomb dropped on Japan
                2. After the war she turned down a full professorship at Vassar to remain at Harvard
                  1. Became a research fellow in engineering sciences and applied physics at Harvard
                    1. Helped develop the Mark II and Mark III
                      1. Was the first to refer to a computer problem as a bug (the term had been used for mechanical problems until this time)
                        1. 1946 left active service
                          1. 1949 joined the Eckert-Mauchly computer corporation as a senior mathematician
                            1. This company had developed the first electronic computer (the ENIAC) under army contracts
                              1. 1952 her team developed the first computer language compiler called A-0
                                1. Eventually made it possible to write programs for multiple computers rather than a single machine
                                  1. Her team developed Flow-Metic, the first programming language to use English like commands (earlier languages used mathematical symbols)
                3. Later Years
                  1. advocated for the use of COBOL (a standardized computer language)
                    1. Short for common business-oriented language
                      1. In 1966 she was forced to retire from her navy reserve position as a commander due to age restrictions
                        1. Seven months later she was called back to active service to standardize the navy computer language and remained as such for 19 years
                          1. 1972 retired from UNIVAC, a division of Sperry Rand
                            1. 1985 retired from the navy as a rear admiral
                              1. 1985 went to work as a senior consultant in public relations for 6 years
                                1. 1991 awarded the national medal of technology by president George Bush
                                  1. She passed away in 1992

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