A Conclusion on Language Teaching Methods (LTM)


This is a mind map about general aspects concerning several language teaching methods
Alisson Durón
Mapa Mental por Alisson Durón, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Alisson Durón
Creado por Alisson Durón hace casi 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

A Conclusion on Language Teaching Methods (LTM)
  1. The Dynamics of Methodological Change
    1. The LTM are not equilly distributed around the world
      1. Some are more prevalents in some places
        1. They began developing in the 1950's in USA
          1. Between the 80's and 90's the concern was in leanguage learning (LL) process
            1. LL is best when students interact
              1. Completing tasks
                1. Learning content
                  1. Resolvin real-life issues
                    1. Attention is not directed toward the languge itself
                2. Similarities Among LTM
                  1. The methods overlap in meaningful aspects
                    1. Culture is not clearly fit togehter
                      1. It seens as a "fifth skill"
                      2. The goal is teach students to communicate in L2
                      3. Complementary & Contradictory Differences
                        1. Complementary Differences
                          1. Help to construct a more complex view
                            1. The language learner is not static being
                              1. Possesses this traits
                                1. Reasoning
                                  1. Feelings
                                    1. Social skills
                                      1. Political views
                                    2. Facets of the teacher
                                      1. Not only a role model
                                        1. Drill conductor
                                          1. Linguist
                                            1. Counselor
                                              1. Facilitator
                                                1. Technitian
                                                  1. Collaborator
                                                    1. Learner trainer
                                                      1. A defender of the students
                                                    2. Contradoctory Differences
                                                      1. Some methods are proscribed and other are prescribe
                                                        1. The LTM varies from high levels of control to less control
                                                          1. The errors range
                                                            1. Preveting to happen since the beggining
                                                              1. Ignoring them to be corrected later
                                                          2. Choosing a Method
                                                            1. Becoming a specialist in a method
                                                              1. The method evokes in the teachers
                                                                1. Their values
                                                                  1. Their experiences
                                                                    1. Fundamenta views about teaching
                                                                  2. Relativism
                                                                    1. Each method has strengths and weaknesses
                                                                      1. The LTM are unevenly
                                                                        1. Are suitable for different teachers and learners in diffent contexts
                                                                        2. Pluralism
                                                                          1. There is value to each method
                                                                            1. Different methods/parts should be practiced in the same context
                                                                              1. Language is complex, learning is also complex
                                                                                1. Each group has its own special characteristics
                                                                                  1. Success in teaching requires this recognition
                                                                                  2. Pick & choose from among method to create their own blend
                                                                                2. The Development of Methodology
                                                                                  1. There isn't a strict sequence of developmental stages in teaching
                                                                                    1. Learning is a lifelong process
                                                                                      1. The teacher must be a constant learner
                                                                                        1. Teaching and students are always changing
                                                                                          1. Teaching is taking action, not only only thinking and holding certain values
                                                                                            1. Move from ideology to inquiry
                                                                                              1. Teachers need
                                                                                                1. To reflect on what they do and why they do it
                                                                                                  1. Be open to learn about the practices and researchs of others
                                                                                                    1. Interaction with others
                                                                                                      1. Try new practices to continually search for better methods
                                                                                                        1. Accordinly to who they are
                                                                                                          1. In accordance to who their students are
                                                                                                            1. Conditions & contexts of teaching

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