Should teachers have the right to condition and intervene in Children’s thinking, learning


mind map
Mapa Mental por u1073643, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por u1073643 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Should teachers have the right to condition and intervene in Children’s thinking, learning
  1. Should teachers be more like a guide or mentor to direct, inform and lead students throughout the curriculum, rather than just teach it. To help students along their own path of knowledge?
    1. Should a classroom be more like a conversation the teacher should not be the only one talking – do conversation in the classroom allow students to make connections, build relationships and understand the world around them?
      1. Should a variety of options be available to students so they can learn within their interests?
        1. In this modern age of technology are schools/ teachers falling behind?
          1. Should children be able to contribute more on what they learn?
            1. Is it fair for education to be restricted by a curriculum, by this are we restricting students knowledge?
              1. Should children be able to contribute more on what they learn?
                1. Is education becoming to complicated?
                  1. Would teaching based on a childs virtual school bag be more beneficial than by age or should teachers be responsible for discovering what is in a childs
                    1. How much influence does society have on education?
        2. What are we trying to achieve in our students from our teaching?
        3. How can we justify shaping someones thinking or intervening in someone life and an educator?
          1. Is it fair for education to be restricted by a curriculum, by this are we restricting students knowledge?
            1. What does it mean for a student to “do their best” Is that the best that he/she is able to attain or what the teacher perceives – How do we know they have done their best – us their best really good enough – what if it is?
              1. Does being responsible for your own education choices, really allow a person to achieve their full potential?
                1. What is the role of a teacher in education?
                  1. Should formal education be taught more like how learning is conducted outside of institutions?
                    1. Does Australian curriculum cater for all educational needs of students and their individual learning styles, keeping in
                      1. Do children need to develop a formal understanding of reading/writing maths or will that develop naturally in their own time?
                        1. Is formal education for everyone? Or is informal education the right option?
                          1. Is it natural instinct for human beings to want to learn?
            2. Should teachers be more like a guide or mentor to direct, inform and lead students throughout the curriculum, rather than just teach it. To help students along their own path of knowledge?
              1. Should a variety of options be available to students so they can learn within their interests?
                1. Should a classroom be more like a conversation the teacher should not be the only one talking – do conversation in the classroom allow students to make connections, build relationships and understand the world around
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