Post-Colonialism (by: Reden)


Grade 12 ENG4U1(Summer Class): Critical Theory Reflection Due: July 26th 2021
Reden Dagsi
Mapa Mental por Reden Dagsi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Reden Dagsi
Creado por Reden Dagsi hace alrededor de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Post-Colonialism (by: Reden)
  1. What is Post-Colonialism
    1. " The past is still the present"
      1. Postcolonialism is the sum of all progressions that colonial (generally European colonization) has made to the world that influences the cultural and racial boundaries today.
        1. "History is written by the victors" - Winston Churchill
          1. -However, postcolonial study helps with a better comprehension of the nation or group of people that are victims of colonization by providing evidence from the perspective of the colonized group.
    2. History Lesson by Jeannette Armstrong
      1. Reading "History lesson" by Jeannette Armstrong gives a better understanding of what indigenous groups are going through in our current society.
        1. Before:
          1. Before reading the poem, I was not educated enough about native Groups other than what we generally relearn in history class and social media.
            1. Example: Christopher Columbus
              1. Through history class, we were able to learn about the father of the new world, Christopher Columbus. However, instead of describing Columbus as the saint who found America, Armstrong portray him and his team as "mob" (stanza 2)
                1. Rather than depicting Columbus as heroic, Armstrong portrays him as chaotic
            2. During:
              1. As I read through with guidance from a companion of mine, I was able to further develop my history knowledge (research skills), particularly about native groups.
                1. Example: why native groups protest
                  1. Previously, I would consistently believe that Aboriginal protest was pointless. They ought to simply acknowledge the way that we're not in the seventeenth century any longer, and they ought to adjust to our modern society.
                    1. However, while reading Armstrong's piece of literature. Imagining myself in their position, I'm able to learn about their history and the thorny path they had to take in order to be who they are today.
                      1. Although, they were able to get past each time new challenges are acquainted with them once more.
                        1. 2012, November: Idle no more movement Begins
                          1. 2020, January: Protest against Trans Mountain pipeline
                            1. 2021, June: 215+ Canadian Indigenous children were found
                        2. The colonization of North America caused the Aboriginal group to lose their: language, culture, Identity, Land, Family, and Spirituality.
            3. After
              1. After reading such masterpieces through a Postcolonialism study, I am reminded of our present society. Regardless of whether it's the media deceiving or misleading information from history, everyone is easily manipulated.
                1. It made me look beyond history textbooks and listen to the perspective that has been historically silenced.
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