Nervous System


Nursing (Neurologic Dysfunction) Health Differences Across the Lifespan 3 Mapa Mental sobre Nervous System, creado por crf1980 el 05/11/2013.
Mapa Mental por crf1980, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por crf1980 hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Nervous System
  1. Peripheral
    1. Cranial Nerves
      1. o I (olfactory) – smell o II (optic) – vision o III (oculomotor) – eye movement (inward, eyelids, pupil) o IV (trochlear) – eye movement (U/D) o V (trigeminal) – facial sensory o VI (abducens) – lateral eye movement o VII (facial) – facial movements (symmetry) o VIII (acoustic) – hearing o IX (glossopharyngeal) – swallow, taste sugar/salt on back of tongue o X (vagus) – gag reflex, rise of uvula/soft palate o XI (spinal accessory) – shoulder rise, head turn o XII (hypoglossal) – tongue strength, against pressure
      2. Spinal nerves
        1. Autonomic NS - internal organ activity
          1. Sympathetic - fight/flight
            1. Parasympathetic - visceral fx
          2. CNS
            1. Brain
              1. Cerebrum
                1. Frontal
                  1. concentration abstract thought, memory, motor fx, affect (mood), judgement, personality, inhibitions
                  2. Parietal
                    1. analyzes sensory info, body position awareness, R/L orientation
                    2. Occipital
                      1. visual interpretation & memory
                      2. Temporal
                        1. auditory receptive, sound memory, language/music understanding
                        2. basal ganglia – fine motor
                          1. thalamus – all sensation except smell
                            1. hypothalamus – regulates hormone secretion/metabolic
                            2. Brain Stem
                              1. midbrain, pons, medulla – reflex centers (breathing, BP, coughing, vomiting)
                              2. Cerebellum
                                1. fine movement, balance, position awareness
                              3. Spinal Chord
                                1. 7 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar
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