Market rates by establishment of competition


tipos de mercados
Mapa Mental por ERIKA MORAN, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ERIKA MORAN hace más de 3 años

Resumen del Recurso

Market rates by establishment of competition
  1. monopoly
    1. the demand is wide
      1. pioneer in setting prices because they have no competition
        1. example: gas companies are unique in the country, one seller many buyers
    2. duopoly
      1. two production companies that control the whole of a market jointly set its prices
        1. cournot model
          1. works by attending to the bidding decisions of your competition
          2. Bertrand model
            1. works independently
        2. oligopoly
          1. is interdependent between the decisions to be made
            1. in the company there is the variable of making decisions that can be both in quantity and in prices
              1. it is homogeneous
                1. concentrated
                  1. same similar products features
                  2. differentiated
                    1. same product, different characteristics
            2. perfect competition
              1. firms manage the equilibrium price
                1. is the most transparent market
                  1. homogeneous products
                    1. facilitate the access of any company to the industry as its exit
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