Indian Pangolin


Mind map on Indian pangolin
Mapa Mental por krs5345, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por krs5345 hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Indian Pangolin
  1. Biological
    1. Nocturnal tendencies
      1. Native to India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
        1. Defense
          1. Roll up in a ball
            1. Prehensile tail
            2. Emit foul smelling odor
            3. Can be arboreal or ground-dwelling borrowers
              1. Myrmecophagous diet
                1. Lifespan: ~13 years
                  1. Gestation: 67 days
                    1. Typically 1 offspring per pregnancy
                  2. Zoological
                    1. Scientific Name: Manis crassicaudata
                      1. Endangered
                        1. Order: Pholidata
                          1. Nandankanan Zoological Park
                            1. Pangolin Conservation Breeding Centre (PCBC)
                            2. Zoological Society of London
                            3. Ecological
                              1. Tropical forests
                                1. Grasslands
                                  1. Habitat deterioration due to deforestation
                                    1. Use of pesticides
                                  2. Economic
                                    1. Poaching
                                      1. Medicinal Uses
                                        1. Leather products
                                          1. Bush meat
                                          2. Illegal International Trade
                                            1. Most trafficked mammal
                                            2. Deforestation
                                              1. Urban sprawl
                                            3. Political
                                              1. Deforestation
                                                1. Urban sprawl
                                                  1. Agrarian communities
                                                2. Cultural Influences
                                                  1. Traditional Asian Medicine
                                                    1. Meat considered a delicacy
                                                    2. Conservation
                                                      1. Carnivore and Pangolin Conservation Program (CPCP)
                                                        1. The Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB)
                                                          1. Pangolin Specialist Group
                                                            1. Pangolin Rehabilitation Center (PRC)
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